Braun tgc 450 motor not running

Die Braun Compactcassetten-Geräte
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 17.01.2025, 17:30

Braun tgc 450 motor not running

#1 Beitrag von samcerdote » 24.01.2025, 15:25

Hey everybody! first of all ive been rummaging through this forum for the past couple months and i must say its a pleasure to do so thank you all for everything you add to this website.

Secondly I'm a noob audio equipment repairman, i know my way around being generally handy but not electricity specifically. Ive successfully dismounted the TGC 450 to access the belts, the machine itself turns on and light come on, but from what i understand the motor is always running if on, which it isn't. the little motor fan does spin freely when manual moved so i don't think its old grease. It might be the fuses ion the motor side. My question is, is this assumption correct? is there anything else that it could be. Where could i find type T 400mA fuses and 100mA fuses that isnt only, im based in berlin, sadly my german is close to inexistent, my sincerest apologies. again, thank you all.

Beiträge: 22
Registriert: 16.04.2021, 22:39
Wohnort: Land der Horizonte

Re: Braun tgc 450 motor not running

#2 Beitrag von Timmsel » 25.01.2025, 13:14

Wellcome samzie,

The fuses are available online or maybe und a hardwarestore like Bauhaus, TOM etc, search for FEINSICHERUNG T100mA and T400mA. The Dimensions should be 5x20mm.
FC6DBBDE-ECF1-41C0-A8B7-A127DA4B0979.jpeg (35.61 KiB) 471 mal betrachtet
If the Motor is Not Running Check the fuses and the filtercaps C17 and C18 for damaged. The Motor itself has nicht „internal“ fuse.
The Motor is Running by 110V , so be extremly carefull because your are working on the HOT-Side with 230V Right out of the Plug.You also could messure the voltage Directly at the Motor or try Spinning it by hand.

Good luck
Teilesuche Audio 2 TC 45/1: Gewicht für Tonabnehmer P 400 X

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 17.01.2025, 17:30

Re: Braun tgc 450 motor not running

#3 Beitrag von samcerdote » 29.01.2025, 18:22

Tim you are a sweetheart thank you! ill keep you posted!
